To beat corrosion, you have to find it first!
Dr. Jackson – US Corrosion
At US Corrosion, we know the paramount importance of maintaining the safety, integrity, and efficiency of your industrial assets. Our Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and inspection services are designed to help you uncover hidden flaws, defects, and vulnerabilities without causing damage to your valuable equipment. We adhere to industry best practices and standards to provide you with accurate and reliable NDT assessments.
Non-destructive testing and inspection (NDT)
We offer comprehensive nondestructive testing (NDT) and inspection services to help you ensure the integrity and reliability of your assets. With our state-of-the-art techniques and highly skilled professionals, we deliver accurate and efficient testing solutions tailored to your specific needs. We employ the latest methods including phased array, computed tomography (CT), Time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD), and eddy currents with the classics like x-ray, thickness measurements, and field metallographic replication (FMR).
Nondestructive testing plays a critical role in various industries, including oil and gas, manufacturing, infrastructure, and more. It enables you to evaluate the quality and condition of materials, components, and structures without causing any damage. By employing NDT methods, you can identify defects, discontinuities, and potential issues early on, preventing costly failures and ensuring safety.

What are the common nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques?
Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) techniques play a vital role in assessing the integrity and reliability of materials, components, and structures without causing any damage. These techniques are crucial in various industries, including aerospace, manufacturing, energy, and more. At US Corrosion Services, we offer a range of common NDE techniques to help you ensure the safety and performance of your assets.

For a deeper understanding of the significance of NDT and industry standards, we recommend referring to the following reputable sources:
- American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT): ASNT is a globally recognized authority on NDT. Their website offers valuable resources, publications, and standards related to NDT.
- American Welding Society (AWS): AWS provides industry-leading guidance on welding and inspection standards, which are often intertwined with NDT practices.
- ASTM International: ASTM offers a comprehensive collection of standards related to materials testing, including NDT methods
What to do when NDE finds a defect or crack?
So you found a crack. Now what? Our experts can help you evaluate the results of NDE and determine how to proceed. In some cases, replacement is necessary. In others, fitness-for-service assessment can help you identify safe operating parameters. We may also recommend a metallurgical failure analysis to help understand the cause of the failure so that we can determine the best mitigation practice. Our experienced engineers can help you determine the right actions.
Do you provide NDE in Houston or across the US?
US Corrosion is Houston-based, but we provide nondestructive testing services across the US. We can send crews to your location or test samples in our lab. Let’s get started: