Our Houston chemical analysis laboratory employ a wide range of chemical analyses to determine the chemical composition, compound makeup, and many other details of corrosives and other materials. We also supply calibrated test materials covering a wide range of alloys, such as two of the testing sets we currently have available below for OES calibration.

Houston Chemical Analysis Laboratory Capabilities
With hundreds of calibration samples and a wide range of analytical capabilities, we can provide analysis ranging from bulk metals and materials down to nano-scale evaluation. Some of the most common analytical chemistry practices our Houston laboratory provides are listed below:
- Optical Emission Spectroscopy – OES – both portable and laboratory units – the gold standard for testing the composition of metals by element
- X-Ray Fluorescence – XRF – both portable and laboratory units –
- X-Ray Photon Spectroscopy – XPS – for ultra-high precision surface measurements
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy – FTIR – for evaluating plastics, organics, and other materials
- X-Ray Diffraction – XRD – for identifying compounds of crystalline structures like metals.
- Elemental Gas Chromatography – Including our carbon/sulfur and oxygen/nitrogen analyzers for precision measurement of specific elements.
- Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) – a localized method for elemental analysis.